EPA Notice of Intent (NOI)

The Notice of Intent, NOI, prepared for EPA as required by the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System


The NOI is an outline of information on how the City is proposing to comply with the EPA/MassDEP National Stormwater Discharge Permit.

The NOI was filled out by the City Engineer in cooperation with other municipal departments having responsibilities for operation, maintenance and protecting of the City's Stormwater Collection System.

Outline of City data, departments. outfalls and planned activity relative to impaired water, improving stormwater quality by promoting:

  • Public education
  • Promoting public involvement & participation
  • Implementing/ongoing Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination, IDDE
  • Developing/ongoing enforcement of construction site stormwater runoff control
  • Improving on post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment
  • By performing good housekeeping and pollution prevention

Explanation of Appendices:

  • Include a check on Mass. Endangered Species Act
  • Check on Mass. Historic sites that could potentially be affected
  • Overall citywide watershed map with stormwater outfall locations

Notice of Intent Massachusetts NPDES Phase II MS4 Permit