Prospect Hill Park

314 Totten Pond Road, Waltham, MA

Park Information
This wooded natural park is filled with hiking trails and scenic vistas.  A seasonal vehicle
access road allows for visitors to picnic at one of the many designated picnic sites and/or hike a section deeper into the park. 

Ranger News Letter 
(July 2024 Edition)
Prospect Hill Master Plan 1997
Forestry Management Plan
PHP WInterPHP FallPHP Lady SlipperPHP SunsetPHP Skyline

(click on picture to enlarge)

Additional Links

Prospect Hill Park Maintenance Report formPark Map 
Trail Revitalization
(Power Point Presentation)
Projects Completed and Plans for Future
(Power Point Presentation)

Mosquito Protection (english)

Mosquito Protection (spanish)

1978-1983 Historical Skiing Photos
Historical Walls of Prospect Hil (Narrative)
HIstorical Walls of Prospect Hill (GIS Map)

A Walk in the Park:
A Guide to Plant Communities at Prospect Hill Park

Waltham, Massachusetts
by Lesley Sneddon


This book is a nature guide for the non-scientist interested in learning about plants and basic ecology.

Although the subject is Prospect Hill Park, much of the information can be applied to other parks in the area.
The book includes descriptions of 16 plant communities, with photos of featured plants, and maps of their locations.
In addition, plants found in each community are listed in table format.


Click here to order


* Free hand delivery is only available to Waltham, Newton, Belmont, Lexington, Lincoln and Watertown.

PHP Book

(Click picture to enlarge)