Fall 2015 Waltham Recycling Newsletter

This Waltham Recycling Newsletter was written and prepared by Brandeis University Intern, Jacob MacKay, and Social Media Coordinator, Abby Auld.

1.   Prevent soil erosion & carbon emissions from your winter garden
2.   Minuteman Announcement - Two days left to get rid of your hazardous waste
3.   FREE Home Energy Audit now available


Prevent soil erosion & carbon emissions from your winter garden!

Attention all Waltham farmers!  Whether you are part of a community farm or have a garden in your backyard, you should understand how best to prepare your garden for the colder months.  After your vegetables are harvested, the soil may be at risk of erosion and nutrient deficiency during the winter months.  The optimal method for mitigating this problem is to plant a cover crop.  This helps the soil retain water, and puts nitrogen and other important nutrients in the ground.  If a cover crop is not possible, there are other measures that will help to protect the soil over the winter months. 

Soil scientists advise gardeners to avoid disturbing the soil whenever possible.  Rather than pulling out plants, leave the roots in the soil, cut the plants, and use them to cover or mulch the soil.  Turning the garden soil can actually disturb the microbes in the soil and increase the chance of erosion. Simply blanket the garden with any chopped up plant material or mulch.  This will help prevent it from being damaged by winter runoff or exposure to the elements. 

Research shows that it’s important to keep the soil covered; this will actually decrease carbon emissions.  By planting cover crops or keeping the soil covered, we can slow the expulsion of carbon dioxide by the microbes living in the ground.  These tiny organisms are important; they feed plants and keep the soil healthy, but like the rest of us, they give off carbon dioxide in life as well as through their own decomposition.  Keeping the life cycle of these microbes intact is vital for sequestering more carbon in the soil where it belongs.


Minuteman Announcement - Two days left to get rid of your hazardous waste

There are only two more opportunities this season to get rid of your hazardous waste!  The Minuteman Hazardous Products Facility in Lexington will be open on October 17th and November 7th from 9:00 AM until 2:00 PM.  Please bring a proof of residency and all of your oil paints, batteries, cleaners, and pesticides.  For more  information and what other materials to bring, please visit Recycling & Trash, then print the 2015-2016 Recycling & Trash Brochure, or call Waltham Recycling Coordinator, Eileen Zubrowski at 781-314-3391.  


FREE Home Enegery Audit now available

With winter fast approaching, it is time to start thinking about heat and energy use.  Why not consider getting a free home energy audit done?  Mass Save® can help residents save energy and mitigate costs.  They begin with a Home Energy Assessment, after which the inspectors create a written report on where your insulation could be improved to cut heating costs and make your home more energy efficient.  Mass Save® will pay for 75% of the cost up to $2000 per year towards the approved insulation enhancements.  This covers both labor and materials.  With these incentives in place, the upfront costs of weatherizing homes are greatly diminished, and as you see your utility bills decrease, your comfort level will go up in both winter and summer!  For more information, call 1-866-527-SAVE or visit www.masssave.com