1265 MAIN STREET: Traffic Improvements Project

This filing was received by the Waltham Conservation Commission on 4 October 2023. It is scheduled for a public hearing at the commission's 19 October 2023 meeting. This meeting is currently scheduled to be held remotely via Zoom. The full agenda, including Zoom connection information, will be posted on the commission's page of the city web site before noon on 17 October.

Due to greater than usual public interest in this filing, the commission is making the submitted material available via a public link (through Dropbox). It is available here. If you have difficulty accessing these files or have other questions related to this filing, contact the commission office.

Interested parties are reminded that the commission's jurisdiction is limited to ensuring that work conducted in areas regulated by the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act adheres to regulatory requirements. The commission does not rule on other aspects of a project, nor does its authority extend beyond explicitly regulated areas.

- The public hearing for this project began on 19 October and was continued to the commission's 2 November meeting.
- A site visit was held on 23 October 2023.
- The applicant submitted revised plans on 31 October for the 2 November meeting. This includes a short document specifically addressing questions and comments from the 19 October meeting and 23 October site visit. These documents are accessible through the Dropbox link.