
FYI – The City of Waltham is currently experiencing an interruption with the city’s incoming emails. We expect the service to be fully operational by the end of the day tomorrow, 2/27

FYI – The City of Waltham is currently experiencing an interruption with the city’s incoming emails. City employees are unable to receive... more ››

Heads up - 2018 motor vehicle excise tax commitment one bills have been mailed today and are due March 22nd

The City of Waltham Treasurer’s Office would like to let taxpayers know that the 2018 motor vehicle excise tax commitment one bills have... more ››

Please make sure you're carefully screening what is put in your recycling carts - Plastic bags & Styrofoam are the biggest contaminants in Waltham!

Waltham residents - Please make sure you're carefully screening what is put in your recycling carts! Feedback from our collection vendor, "... more ››

Waltham School Building Committee, Fernald Use Committee, and City Council meet tonight. See the agendas here:

The Waltham School Building Committee will meet at 5:30pm.
