
A reminder that trash & recycling pick-up is running on a holiday schedule this week. Place your carts out 1 DAY AFTER your regularly scheduled pick-up day.

If your regularly scheduled pick-up day is Monday, then your trash & recycling will be picked-up on Tuesday, Tuesday on Wednesday,... more ››

FYI - Commitment 2 excise tax bills have been mailed and are due on May 11th!

Anyone who has not yet received a 2018 excise tax bill should call the Treasurer’s Office at (781) 314-3250.

Join us for the next event in Council on Aging's 4 part series on "Aging in Waltham - What every caregiver & Senior citizen should know" tomorrow, April 10th!

This series is open to anyone, not just Waltham residents. Please share and register by calling 781-314-3499:

Reminder to taxpayers - Fourth quarter real estate bills have been mailed and are due on Tuesday May 1st, 2018!

The City of Waltham Treasurer’s Office would like to remind taxpayers that FY2018 Fourth quarter real estate bills have been mailed and are... more ››

Post Offices in the Greater Boston area are hiring 400 letter carriers over the next 6 months to fill vacant positions in the region. See details and how to apply here:

Local candidates are urged to act quickly, with the first wave of online applications now available at the Postal Service’s career website... more ››

Waltham youth Summer Employment Opportunities now available!

The City is now accepting applications for their 2018 SummerWorks student employment program. The program is a citywide effort to provide... more ››

Heads up - A planned Eversource outage is planned for Monday Morning, April 23rd, beginning at 12:01am (weather permitting) in the Moody St area.

The planned outage that had been scheduled for Monday morning, March 19 starting at 12:01AM and cancelled due to weather, has been re-... more ››
