Did you know an update was made to our city ordinances regarding snow shoveling? To give everyone ample time to prepare for this change, here’s a [very] early look at what to expect this winter

Did you know an update was made to our city ordinances regarding snow shoveling? To give everyone ample time to prepare for this

Sidewalk clearing is strongly encouraged to ensure safe pedestrian passage. Article 17-23 of the General Ordinances of the City of Waltham also mandates that certain property owners MUST remove snow and ice from sidewalks abutting their property after any snow or ice event. You can see the full ordinance (updated December 2022) here and a quick overview below

You are responsible for clearing snow and ice from sidewalks that are in front of, at the side of, or abut your property in any way, if:

  • Your property or land abuts a sidewalk, excluding single or two-family residences
  • Your building contains three or more dwelling units, as defined in the Zoning Code
  • Your property is in any Business, Commercial, or Industrial District, in the Hope Ave. Redevelopment District, or in the Riverfront Overlay District, as defined and delineated in the Zoning Code
  • Your property contains a building designated and used for institutional uses, as defined and delineated in the Zoning Code

All sidewalks in these instances are to be maintained in a non-slippery condition suitable for pedestrian travel by clearing all snow and ice from a pathway at least thirty-six (36) inches in width along the length of said sidewalk. Sidewalks must be cleared within the first three hours between sunrise and sunset after the snow and ice event has stopped, and must be maintained by application(s) of sand and/or melting agents as may be necessary. Make sure to bookmark our Winter Weather Center for updates from the Consolidated Public Works Director during snowy/icy weather.