PLAN AHEAD! Extreme cold temps are expected tonight into tomorrow - Make sure you’re prepared!

An “arctic blast” will bring frigid temperatures and winds to the region on Tuesday. Here are ways you can prepare:

• Wear layers of clothing and shoes with good grips. Keep an eye out for black ice!

• Keep your pets indoors, as they are susceptible to frostbite and hypothermia

• See here for information on preventing frozen pipes and how to thaw them if they do freeze

• Make sure nearby hydrants are shoveled out in case of emergency

• If using a space heater, place it on a level surface at least 3 feet away from anything flammable

• Use our attached call directory as needed

• Please remember to check on your neighbors and gather a list of essential needs to ensure safety amongst yourself, your family, and your pets. It's always a good idea to keep electronics charged in the event of an emergency. Essential needs may include flashlights, batteries/chargers, candles, blankets, pet & baby food, water, etc.