Did you know April is Donate life month in Massachusetts? We encourage you to have a heart & to say “yes” to organ and tissue donation!

Did you know April is Donate life month in Massachusetts? 106,000 people are waiting at home for the call to tell them they’ve found a donor to save their life. 22 people die every day waiting for a life-saving organ transplant.

Today, Mayor McCarthy joined legislators, New England Donor Services' Matt Boger, and individuals touched by organ donation, to celebrate Organ Donation with a “Donate Life” banner hanging on the back of Waltham City Hall. Mayor McCarthy also presented an official proclamation declaring April 2022 as “Donate Life Month” in Waltham, encouraging all to register as an organ donor. Age doesn’t matter - There is no age limit to register. The oldest organ donor was 95 years old and was able to save another life through a liver donation last year. A 107 year old was also able to donate and repair the vision of another life.

On this April 1st, we are reminded that the month of April signifies the rejuvenation of Spring and nature. Coincidentally, organ donation also symbolizes the rejuvenation and extension of life. We can all play a role in giving someone another chance at life by simply registering as a donor.

We encourage you to have a heart & to say “yes” to organ and tissue donation. You can easily register through your local RMV or online at https://www.mass.gov/be-a-hero-be-an-organ-donor