Gas Leaks & Carbon Monoxide

Fire Suppression

Waltham Fire Dept. Logo

Natural gas, propane and similar fuels can pose a serious danager when not contained properly. Breeches or leaks in their storage containers or supply lines can trigger massive explosions and fires. The Waltham Fire Department responds to these types of emergencies, often in conjunction with gas company experts. Our duties range from rescue and evacuation if necessary, to fire extinguishment, or to locating the leak and shutting off the supply of gas. In addition to our regular equipment, fire apparatus carry gas detectors to help us with these types of calls.

Another gas related emergency, which often requires Fire Department response, is the build up of carbon monoxide (CO). This odorless, colorless gas can rise to dangerous levels in homes, vehicles and buildings. Often these life-threatening levels of CO go undetected. The build of CO in the effected area builds up CO in the bodies of victims in that location. That build up inhibits oxygen exchange and can cause victims to become seriously ill or even die.

The cause of dangerous CO build up is often attributed to products of incomplete combustion, meaning car exhaust, home heating systems, etc.


Fire Fighting

Emergency Medical Services (E.M.S.)

Technical RescueWater & Ice Rescue

Hazardous Materials Response (HazMat)


Electrical EmergenciesGas Leaks & Carbon Monoxide (CO)Flood ResponseAnimal ProblemsInspections